1 |
001 |
Success |
2 |
057 |
Kindly login again |
3 |
099 |
Server Network Connection Time Out, please try again |
4 |
09C |
Connection Timed Out |
5 |
09D |
Device id Not mapped,Please try again |
6 |
09T |
Technical Error,Please try again |
7 |
100 |
Success |
8 |
110 |
Aadhaar number does not have verified mobileemail |
9 |
111 |
Aadhaar number does not have verified mobile |
10 |
112 |
Aadhaar number does not have both email and mobile |
11 |
200 |
Demographic data did not match |
12 |
300 |
Biometric data did not match |
13 |
310 |
Duplicate fingers used |
14 |
311 |
Duplicate Irises used |
15 |
312 |
FMR FIR cannot be used in same transaction |
16 |
313 |
Single FIR record contains more than one finger |
17 |
314 |
Number of FMRFIR should not exceed 10 |
18 |
315 |
Number of IIR should not exceed 2 |
19 |
316 |
Number of FID should not exceed 1 |
20 |
330 |
Biometrics locked by Aadhaar holder |
21 |
400 |
OTP validation failed |
22 |
401 |
Tkn validation failed |
23 |
402 |
txn value did not match with txn value used in Request OTP API. |
24 |
500 |
Invalid Skeyencryption |
25 |
501 |
Invlaid CI value in Skey |
26 |
502 |
Invalid Pid Encryption |
27 |
503 |
Invalid HMac encryption |
28 |
504 |
Session key re-initiation required due to expiry or key out of sync |
29 |
505 |
Synchronized Skey usage is not allowed |
30 |
510 |
Invalid XML format |
31 |
511 |
Invalid PID XML format |
32 |
512 |
Invalid Aadhaar holder consent in rc attribute of Auth |
33 |
513 |
Invalid Protobuf Format |
34 |
520 |
Invalid device |
35 |
521 |
Invalid Finger device |
36 |
522 |
Invalid Iris device |
37 |
524 |
Invalid mi code under Meta tag |
38 |
527 |
Invalid mc code under Meta tag. |
39 |
528 |
Device - Key Rotation policy |
40 |
530 |
Invalid AUA code |
41 |
540 |
Invalid XML version |
42 |
541 |
Invalid PID XML version |
43 |
542 |
AUA not authorized for ASA |
44 |
543 |
Sub-AUA not associated with AUA |
45 |
550 |
Invalid USES element attributes |
46 |
553 |
Registered devices currently not supported. |
47 |
554 |
Public devices are not allowed to be used |
48 |
555 |
rdsId is invalid and not part of certification registry |
49 |
556 |
rdsVer is invalid and not part of certification registry. |
50 |
557 |
dpId is invalid and not part of certification registry. |
51 |
558 |
Invalid dih |
52 |
559 |
Device Certificate has expired |
53 |
560 |
DP Master Certificate has expired |
54 |
561 |
Request expired |
55 |
562 |
Timestamp value is future time |
56 |
563 |
Duplicate request |
57 |
564 |
HMAC Validation failed |
58 |
565 |
License key has expired |
59 |
566 |
Invalid license key |
60 |
567 |
Invalid input |
61 |
568 |
Unsupported Language |
62 |
569 |
Digital signature verification failed |
63 |
570 |
Invalid key info in digital signature |
64 |
571 |
PIN Requires reset |
65 |
572 |
Invalid biometric position |
66 |
573 |
PI usage not allowed as per license |
67 |
574 |
PA usage not allowed as per license |
68 |
575 |
PFA usage not allowed as per license |
69 |
576 |
FMR usage not allowed as per license |
70 |
577 |
FIR usage not allowed as per license |
71 |
578 |
IIR usage not allowed as per license |
72 |
579 |
OTP usage not allowed as per license |
73 |
580 |
OTP usage not allowed as per license |
74 |
581 |
Fuzzy matching usage not allowed as per license |
75 |
582 |
Local language usage not allowed as per license |
76 |
584 |
Invalid Pin code in Meta element |
77 |
585 |
Invalid Geo code in Meta element |
78 |
586 |
FID usage not allowed as per license. |
79 |
587 |
Name space not allowed. |
80 |
588 |
Registered device not allowed as per license |
81 |
590 |
Public device not allowed as per license. |
82 |
710 |
Missing PI data as specified in USES |
83 |
720 |
Missing PA data as specified in USES |
84 |
721 |
Missing PFA data as specified in USES |
85 |
730 |
Missing PIN data as specified in USES |
86 |
740 |
Missing OTP data as specified in USES |
87 |
800 |
Invalid biometric data |
88 |
810 |
Missing biometric data as specified in USES |
89 |
811 |
Missing biometric data in CIDR |
90 |
812 |
Finger not Detected |
91 |
820 |
BT value missed |
92 |
821 |
Invalid BT value |
93 |
822 |
Invalid value in the bs attribute of Bio element within Pid |
94 |
901 |
No authentication data found in the request |
95 |
902 |
Invalid Date |
96 |
910 |
Invalid MVPFA Vales |
97 |
911 |
Invalid MVPFA Vales |
98 |
912 |
Invalid MS value |
99 |
913 |
Invalid PAPFA Vales |
100 |
930 |
AUAASA Server error |
101 |
931 |
AUAASA Server error |
102 |
932 |
AUAASA Server error |
103 |
933 |
AUAASA Server error |
104 |
934 |
AUAASA Server error |
105 |
935 |
AUAASA Server error |
106 |
936 |
AUAASA Server error |
107 |
937 |
AUAASA Server error |
108 |
938 |
AUAASA Server error |
109 |
939 |
AUAASA Server error |
110 |
940 |
Unauthorized ASA channel |
111 |
941 |
Unspecified ASA channel |
112 |
950 |
Could not generate andor send OTP |
113 |
951 |
Biometric lock related technical error |
114 |
980 |
Unsupported option |
115 |
995 |
Aadhaar suspended by competent authority |
116 |
996 |
Aadhaar Cancelled,Resident should re-enroll. |
117 |
997 |
Invalid Aadhaar Status |
118 |
998 |
Invalid Aadhaar Number |
119 |
999 |
Unknown error |
120 |
K-100 |
Resident authentication failed |
121 |
K-200 |
Resident data currently not available |
122 |
K-540 |
Invalid KYC XML |
123 |
K-541 |
Invalid e-KYC API version |
124 |
K-542 |
Invalid resident consent |
125 |
K-543 |
Invalid timestamp |
126 |
K-544 |
Invalid resident auth type |
127 |
K-545 |
Resident has opted-out of this service. |
128 |
K-546 |
Invalid value for “pfr” attribute |
129 |
K-550 |
Invalid Uses Attribute |
130 |
K-551 |
Invalid “Txn” namespace |
131 |
K-552 |
Invalid License key |
132 |
K-569 |
Digital signature verification failed for e-KYC XML |
133 |
K-570 |
Invalid key info in digital signature for e-KYC XML |
134 |
K-600 |
ASA is invalid or not an authorized KSA |
135 |
K-601 |
ASA is invalid or not an authorized KSA |
136 |
K-602 |
KUA encryption key not available |
137 |
K-603 |
KSA Signature not allowed |
138 |
K-604 |
KSA Signature not allowed |
139 |
K-605 |
Neither KUA key nor KSA encryption key are available |
140 |
K-955 |
Technical Failure |
141 |
K-999 |
Unknown error |
142 |
M-100 |
Resident authentication failed, see “Rar” element to see details of resident authentication error |
143 |
M-110 |
Operator authentication failed, see “Oar” element to see details of operator authentication error |
144 |
M-120 |
Authentication code that was sent under “Oad” is invalid.Operator must be re-authenticated |
145 |
M-121 |
Aadhaar number of the operator does not match with the earlier authentication request for which response code was provided |
146 |
M-200 |
service currently not available |
147 |
M-540 |
Invalid Mobile XML |
148 |
M-541 |
Invalid Mobile API version |
149 |
M-542 |
Invalid resident consent (“rc” attribute in “Mou” element). |
150 |
M-543 |
Invalid timestamp (“ts” attribute in “Mou” element) |
151 |
M-544 |
Invalid resident auth type (“ra” attribute in “Mou” element does not match what is in PID block within “Rad”) |
152 |
M-545 |
Resident has opted-out of this service |
153 |
M-546 |
Invalid mobile verification code |
154 |
M-547 |
Invalid email address (“nem” value has invalid format) |
155 |
M-548 |
Invalid value for data sharing consent (“dsc” value is invalid) |
156 |
M-551 |
Invalid “Txn” namespace either for “UMN:R” or for “UMN:O” |
157 |
M-569 |
Digital signature verification failed for Mobile XML |
158 |
M-570 |
Invalid key info in digital signature for Mobile XML |
159 |
M-600 |
AUA is invalid or not an authorized to call this API |
160 |
M-999 |
Unknown error |